Healing Dance Retreat

July 4 - 6, 2024

Feel alive in your body.

When was the last time you…

danced barefoot in the grass

or around the fire

surrounded by Sisterhood?

When did you last sleep under the stars?

Tended to the land,

in reciprocal relationship

of giving and receiving?

Allowed all of you to be seen,

and to witness in return?


You belong here.


A sample schedule of how we’ll invest our time together.

  • July 4

    4pm Arrival / Tea Service

    6pm Welcome Gathering

    7pm Communal Meal

    8:30pm Fire & Drums

  • July 5

    7am Rise/Tending to the Land/Breakfast

    9am Outdoor Healing Dance Workshop

    11:30am Lunch/Rest/Free Time

    3:30pm Sisterhood Circle & Earth Altar

    5:00pm Communal Preparation of Evening Meal

    7:00pm Dinner

    8:30 Fire & Drum Circle

    We end our day with a dance party under the stars!

  • July 6

    8am Breakfast

    9am Goodbye Circle

    10am Pack Up & Clean Up

    11am Goodbyes

Practice reciprocity.

We gather at the BIPOC and queer-stewarded RootSprings retreat center in Annandale, Minnesota.

We will sleep in tents on the land, with access to modern facilities a footstep away.

You can learn more about the space here.

  • Reclaim Your Self

    We gather in sisterhood to reclaim what's always been ours – our innate power, grace, and formidable strength as WOMXN. We delve deep into the lessons/gifts of the sacred feminine, nurturing ourselves and each other through our vulnerability.

  • Heal the Wounded Feminine

    We will lay with the land and tend to her gently in gratitude. We will reflect on the violent history of gen o cide that has plagued us for generations, and we will practice using our self-empowerment to protect and heal our Mother Earth!

  • Nurture Our Legacy

    But there’s more – this retreat isn't just for us. It's a legacy we pass on. In our dance, our laughter, and our sisterhood, we lay the foundations for a world where our children understand the true power of WOMXN united.

Early Bird

Early Bird

In celebration of new beginnings

Reserve your spot today for $333.

See you this summer, sister.

✺ FAQs ✺

  • Nowruz Sale ($222) ends March 22nd, 2024.

    Early Bird ($333) ends April 1st, 2024.

    We are also accepting donations for scholarships.

    If you need further financial assistance, reach out to Parisa at

  • Absolutely!

    In fact, this retreat is a beautiful opportunity to give it a try and gently allow yourself to ease into it. We hope you will! There is nothing like the feeling of Mother Earth holding you.

    The retreat center also offers plenty of modern amenities (running toilets and shower, modern kitchen, etc), so you get the best of both worlds!

  • If you have extenuating circumstances and need a refund, please reach out to Parisa at

  • Here is the cost breakdown, per person:

    Retreat Space: $95

    Tents & Materials: $92

    Food & Beverage: $85

    Facilitation Fee: $100

    Administrative: $50

    Misc: $22

    Total Investment: $444

    All your expenses are covered during the retreat. You are responsible for your travel to and from the retreat center, however we hope to organize carpooling for travel from Minneapolis to RootSprings.

  • Yes!

    We value including children as part of our community.

    Children are welcome to freely explore the land and participate in any of the retreat activities.

    While we hope to work with a community elder to care for the children, please note that this is not guaranteed and you should assume full responsibility for your children.

  • I intentionally chose this weekend, as it marks the ancient Iranian celebration of Tirgan. My intention is to reclaim cultural practices of my lineage, offering us the opportunity to reinvest in communal practices that honor life.

    I encourage you to sit with your values, and ask yourself what it means to participate in celebrating what is called the united states of america.

    I urge you to be brave, and listen to the call of your Ancestors and Intuition.



If you are living in financial abundance, consider donating to our scholarship fund.

Your donation will help provide access to members of historically marginalized communities while supporting queer and BIPOC land stewardship!

Share the healingdonate now!
